Ways You Can Make Your Grandparents Feel Special
Write A Letter To Them
Yep, the old-fashioned way. There’s nothing quite like treating your grandpa to a heavy dose of nostalgia, with a beautiful hand-written letter. Pour out all your feelings of love and gratitude onto the paper, recall fond memories that you shared with your grandparents, and try to put in words how much they matter to you. Trust me, when they receive the letter in their mail, the smile on their faces will be worth the effort.
Tutor Them On Technology
Through the years of your childhood, teenage and even adulthood, your grandparents have shared their wisdom and knowledge about life with you. One simple way to repay the favour, is to tutor them on a subject that’s your forte. Technology! Not only will they be thankful for you taking out the time to explain something that’s still a bit alien to them, but your video calls and Skype sessions will be a lot smoother moving ahead.
Set Up A Time For A Weekly Video Call
How many times have you pledged at the beginning of the week that you’ll give your grandparents a lengthy call this Sunday for sure? And then had the whole thing skip your mind completely? Instead of these unkept vows, it’d be much better if you dedicated a specific time in the week for a video call with them. Set up a schedule, put it on your calendar, and please, just keep your weekly appointment!
Ask Them For History Lessons
More than any history book, asking our grandparents about the times they lived in, or the historical events they were witnesses to will expand your repository of past knowledge. Not just facts, it’s also a wonderful way to gain an understanding of subjective experiences related to occurrences you’ve only read about. Take my word for it, your mind will absolutely be blown by the end of the conversation. And your grandparents will, of course, be grateful for the time spent!